About Advanex

1. What company is Advanex?

Advanex is the manufacturer of precision metal processing, including springs. We manufacture not only Springs, but also metal products with various shapes and functions.
Line springs
Leaf Springs
Deep Drawing
Insert Mold

2. Where are Advanex’s products used?

Advanex’s specialty is small and precise metal parts. Our products are used in everything from ballpoint pens to space stations. We believe that many Advanex products are used in smartphones, tablet PCs, personal computers, digital cameras and other digital devices in your home, home appliances such as vacuum cleaners and electric toothbrushes, and automobiles.


Compression Springs
Leaf Springs
Torsion Springs
Deep Drawing
Insert Collars
Insert Mold

OA Equipment

Torsion Springs
Insert Mold


Thin Rolling Springs
Line springs (Compression Springs)

Standard Products

Instant Lock
Tangless Inserts

Composition of sales

3. What is the origin of Advanex?

We have called it “ADVANEX” by multiplying “ADVANCE” and “NEXT” (moving forward and developing) with the conviction that we will move forward without being satisfied with the current situation. (The company name up to 2001 was Kato Spring Works Co., Ltd.)

4. What is Advanex’s position in the spring industry?

There are hundreds of spring manufacturers in Japan, of which five are major manufacturers. Advanex is one of the five largest companies, specializing in the precision field and expanding overseas.