Environmental activities
Energy-saving activities
With a slogan of “Starting with the smallest of actions”, the company is involved in company-wide activities to conserve energy. Based on corporate environmental impact evaluations, the company registers electricity as having a significant impact on the environment. All areas of the company, including factories and administration sections, are actively involved in reducing power used by office equipment, air conditioning and lighting.
Lower level of operations on holidays

Compressors are a major user of electricity within Advanex and reducing the operation level of the compressors on holidays by reviewing the amount of air and compressor units needed at such times has greatly contributed to energy conservation.
Reducing amount of copy paper used

Timber is an extremely important natural resource and at Advanex checks are continually being implemented to ensure that copy paper is not being used in a wasteful manner.
Reduction of electricity consumption: about 70,000kWh/year

The lighting of Kashiwazaki factory (the 3rd factory) is changed to LED, and reduce electricity consumption.
If it converts into CO2, it will be equal to about 27,000kg of CO2 reduction, if it converts into a cedar tree, it will be equal to about 1,900 trees/year reduction.
Moreover, LED has a long life and is not necessary to be changed for more than ten years.
Since calorific value is also reduced by using LED, it leads also to lower usage of air-conditioning.
Activities to preserve the environment
While it is essential that the company works to reduce the environmental impact of its products and procedures, Advanex also considers it important for each and every employee to have a correct understanding of the environment and to spontaneously be involved in environmental activities as a global citizen.
Employee participation in environmental activities

In order to suitably implement environmental measures, each employee must have an accurate understanding of environmental issues on which to base their actions. Based on a motto of knowledge and action, Advanex places importance on activities and education that enhance technology and skills related to the environment and promotes the environemtnal awareness of all Advanex employees.
Cooperation with the local community

In order to preserve the environment, along with reducing the amount of harmful substances used by the company, it is essential that each employee works as a global citizen and is involved in spontaneous activities. One way the company plays its part as a global citizen protecting the beauty of the natural environment is to help clean up the local environment.
Based on the belief that it is important for our children to understand the importance of the environment, the company has adopted certain eco-family measures. Each year, the company calls on families to participate in keeping an environment household accounting ledger where children are asked to take the lead within the family. Children learn about the environment first-hand by trying to cut electricity, gas and water consumption and the amount of waste discarded within their own household.