Frequently Asked Questions

About Company

When was ADVANEX established?

It was established in November 1946. For the detail, please refer to Company Outline.

Company Outline

What does “ADVANEX” stand for?

It is compound word of “ADVANCE” and “NEXT”. We changed our company name from KATO SPRING WORKS. CO., LTD. to ADVANEX in July 2001 with the will of continuing to advance to next generation.

When was ADVANEX listed in Tokyo Stock Exchange?

It was listed to part 2 in May 1946 and listed to part 1 in Mar 2004.

Please tell me about ADVANEX group company.

Please refer to Corporate Group.

Group Companies

Please tell me about consolidated group company.

Please refer to Group Company Chart.

Group Company Chart

About Management

Please tell me about management policy.

Our group mission is “Satisfaction- plus network” for a better world. Our goal is to become “Innovation Convenience Store”, which provides “Eureka!” to the customers in the field of “Idea & Solution design” and to become high-return company, which is trusted from customers.

What is the policy about profit sharing?

One of our most important targets for the management is to realize the best profit sharing for shareholders. To maintain and strengthen the business base for the continuous growth of the company, we would like to keep the appropriate and stable dividend policy under the well balanced level for the retained earnings, and profit-sharing. The Company regrets that it will suspend the payment of annual dividends for the fiscal year ending March 2010, reflecting the business results. The company is undertaking various measures to streamline the group’s operations to tackle the worsening earnings environment and a rapid change in economic climate. The company will strive for the resumption of dividend payment as soon as possible by further improving the overall operating base including its financial strength.

Please tell me about corporate governance.

Please refer to Corporate Governance.

Corporate Governance

About Financial and Accounting

When is the accounting period?

It is from April 1st to March 31st.

Where can I obtain financial data?

Please refer to Financial Results.

Financial Results

When is announcement of financial results and Shareholder’s Meeting

Please refer to IR Calendar.

IR Calendar

Where can I obtain past financial results?

Please refer to Financial Highlights.

Financial Highlights

About Stock

Please tell me about composition of shareholders.

Please refer to Shareholders.
